Announcement: Due to Covid-19 and lack of funding, Compassion Center for the Arts has been forced to shut its doors for now.

Creativity At Home

Week 1 Ideas (3/15-3/21):
From Leprechauns to Astronauts
Do some kid-friendly St. Patrick’s Day Crafts - https://redtri.com/st-patricks-day-crafts-for-kids/
Watch Dropkick Murphy’s St. Patrick’s Day Livestream Concert at 6 pm Central time -
Get free educational subscriptions from several companies - https://kidsactivitiesblog.com/135609/list-of-education-companies-offering-free-subscriptions/?fbclid=IwAR2IwWA6OUdL9hWoLFpO_9wPH76dV9AR4vrVKqHcbdqNpCfb1StWTuGxkds
Take a virtual tour of Musee d’Orsay in Paris - https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/musee-dorsay-paris?hl=en
Make a quiet drum - Cut the open end off of a round non-inflated balloon (cut off 1-1.5 inches). Then stretch the balloon over a half-size Pringles can or empty tin can (like used for canned fruits, soups and vegetables. Try to stretch the cut end around to the bottom of the can. Kids can decorate the drum with string, colored tape or stickers. For drumsticks, get creative with what you already have around the house....unsharpened pencils, spoons, or toothbrushes would work great. If you want the drum to have a little extra sound, put a tablespoon of rice or dried beans inside before sealing with the balloon. It can also double as a shaker instrument now.
Do a science experiment with empty soda cans and straws -
Get a Free Karaoke App for your Android or Apple and sing your heart out -
Smule (Free 7-day Trial) ...
Karaoke by Yokee (Free 7-day Trial) ...
StarMaker Lite (Free) ...
WeSing (Free) ...
SingPlay: Karaoke Your MP3 (Free) ...
Let it Go Karaoke (Free) ...
Midifun Karaoke (Free)
Watch a Broadway Show: “Into the Woods” - Available to stream on YouTube, Google Play, Vudu, and Amazon Prime.
1st Dance Lesson...Learn the Salsa as a family, a 5 minute Level 1 dance lesson - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdQ87SOfb7Y
2nd Dance Lesson...Learn the Salsa as a family, a 5 minute Level 2 dance lesson - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFTTMwews-s&list=RDCMUCsJbboIjkvAkxbnEu6w3nyg&index=2
Write or Read Poems in the style of Edgar Allan Poe - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Allan_Poe If your child is too young to read or write, read them some (age-appropriate) examples of Poe’s work, and then have them “write” a poem out loud. You can write it down for them.
Make and decorate cupcakes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhTXdvjagks
Teach your pet a new trick - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soY1HbsJDz8
Read about the Aurora Borealis - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora
Paint a picture of the Aurora Borealis - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJzB6bNsuDo
Look at Nasa’s library of images - https://images.nasa.gov/
Have a bedtime story read to you by an astronaut in space - https://storytimefromspace.com/
Week 2 Ideas (3/22-3/28):
Tropical Island Fun
Make Hawaiian Leis for the whole family - http://kidsmatter1.blogspot.com/2010/08/hawaii-craft.html
Take hula lessons (in a series of free videos) with the whole family - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g8dGLp5wuo&list=PLhbeXEPuS9gu66eFXdj-OXvjfOvk8qTIz
Teach yourself Ukulele basics – Don't have a ukulele but stuck at the house? Order one online (Some beginner models are under $50) and have it delivered by the end of the week. Check your local music stores online too. They may surprise you and offer delivery now too. Great 1st ukulele instructional video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qh2JQwkhjk&list=RDCMUCBNkm8o5LiEVLxO8w0p2sfQ&start_radio=1&t=130
Make some ocean fish from things around the house - https://artsycraftsymom.com/easy-and-engaging-ocean-crafts-for-kids/
Take a virtual tour of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park - https://artsandculture.withgoogle.com/en-us/national-parks-service/hawaii-volcanoes/nahuku-lava-tube-tour
Make your own working volcano - https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Volcano
Make Hawaiian pizza or have it delivered. Here's an easy recipe for people not wanting to make a crust: https://tastykitchen.com/recipes/main-courses/easy-hawaiian-mini-pizza/
Learn the Hawaiian language for free - https://www.duolingo.com/course/hw/en/Learn-Hawaiian
Science plus Art/paper water blossom craft and activity - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV4VtqeXD7Q
Limbo with the whole family - Don't have a bamboo pole? Use a mop or broom instead. Here are great songs to limbo by: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnBtI6igfkM
Decorate your living room with tropical décor (maybe some of the ocean crafts you made earlier in the week), and watch Moana
Listen to relaxing Hawaiian music as you drink fun, tropical non-alcoholic drinks -
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5UuoBesQZk
Drink recipes: https://heatherednest.com/frozen-drinks/
Paint a palm tree -
Make a pillow fort and watch a live stream of Monteray Bay Aquarium - https://laughingsquid.com/live-video-streams-from-monterey-bay-aquarium/?fbclid=IwAR18BlQa9eNnDFnZbnN4gSQHCtsNR6lIiRyJlvszs4Cjfu0TEUz8q-9BEVw
Do a little bucket drumming - All you need is a 5 gallon bucket, some sticks, dowel rods or something similar and these intro. videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qVulT1NEvo and
Hang some sheets like hammocks, and watch Lilo and Stitch
Week 3 Ideas (3/29-4/4):
A Little Bit of This and That
Take a look at the Art Institute of Chicago’s Art collection - https://www.artic.edu/collection
Turn a straw into an oboe reed - https://www.exploratorium.edu/snacks/straw-oboe
Learn African Dance, a 5 minute dance lesson - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ewqq-3xJFdI
Links to online art tutorials- https://homeschoolhideout.com/art-lessons-on-youtube/?fbclid=IwAR2iwuIKLasJAPpUTncQkF9nqf_TVwaLxc8U6J7w79_uamTt7cFQazoHLu0
Create a kitchen band - Get some old pots and pans, wooden spoons, plastic containers and other kitchen items to make a rhythm band
Try some at-home science experiments - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0PJ4LiWl8w
Make sock puppets - https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+make+sock+puppets+step+by+step&oq=make+sock+puppets&aqs=chrome.7.69i57j0l7.25245j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_mvOBXpHzIdGDtQbsoqRY35
Set up a scavenger hunt - https://www.playpartyplan.com/scavenger-hunt-ideas/
Create a new language - https://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Language
Fun with shadow puppets - https://www.google.com/searchq=shadow+puppet+tutorial+hands&oq=shadow+puppet+tutorial&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l7.11855j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
A Candlelight Dinner - Pretend you're having a night out on the town with a fancy dinner including candles, a table cloth, and your best dishes. For a special touch, mom and dad can dress up as the serving staff.
Week 4 Ideas (4/5-4/11):
Make a "stained glass" cross - https://www.momontimeout.com/stained-glass-cross-easter-craft/
Learn the Bunny Hop with the whole family - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ6kpvfxrNE
Decorate and dye eggs with different techniques - https://www.bhg.com/holidays/easter/eggs/quick-and-easy-easter-egg-decorations/
Create some Easter crafts to decorate the house - https://www.countryliving.com/diy-crafts/how-to/g1111/easter-crafts/
Make a special Easter flower garden or plant flowers in pots with the whole family - https://www.google.com/search?q=easter+flower+garden&sxsrf=ALeKk02KoGG3_yR_I6T2QCmJp19uZyb9bA:1586140243020&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=Wn6DbVbRzI9CTM%253A%252CJqbnLGjgH2m3AM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kT5XjLtOIYRK04XRG4b-cbcmusQgw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiv6P7t4NLoAhVVWs0KHZ62AoIQ9QEwBHoECAUQJA#imgrc=Wn6DbVbRzI9CTM
Free Easter coloring pages - https://coloring-pages.info/eastercoloringpages
Freeze "eternity" flowers - https://www.marthastewart.com/348299/floral-ice-cubes
Make Easter egg cake pops - https://www.mommysfabulousfinds.com/easter-egg-cake-pops/
Design a paper mache Easter basket - https://kinderart.com/art-lessons/seasons/paper-mache-easter-baskets/
Make your own egg shakers - https://www.wikihow.com/Make-an-Egg-Shaker
Paint mandala stones - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWxyUqfWYfs
Draw Easter images with chalk on your driveway or sidewalk
Write hopeful messages and leave them on your neighbors' doors
Week 5 Ideas (4/12-4/18):
Art and Exercise
Do a latin dance cardio workout - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DZktowZo_k
Learn the cha cha basics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWiLi22Cq8w
Hip hop for kids - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWTyO8npkOQ
More hip hop - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sxifR0Ltqk
Make a Chalk "Obstacle Course" on the driveway or sidewalk- https://www.facebook.com/groups/714162149389867/permalink/730161691123246/?__cft__[0]=AZVPgTScYofpoDllJpX7UXuLRhogU4wmmrkB_FQJQ-LdgoTwxIXx5Qg-hsjfOS7z6DnHo6ukgAKGZg_QD-jzkMeDxadXRuEgzy2b7aHzyjsFF5OxZXE4C4rKr-4ABEJZ-K2zp7TK0F_M3ZLKxKCa9dP8TVn5JlkGx_aOYO0El86k5A&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-y-R
Tree painting with cling wrap - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc-rbLsu558
Dandelion painting with toilet paper roll - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpvIOpciq2Y
Mandala with q-tips - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb0LePpgpNM
Dot technique - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3st51yIrXY
Painting abstracts with masking tape - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPBuu1-pDjI
Aluminum foil art (tree lined road) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E8R-0C4SwY
Moon on water - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9g_sW7-tF6U
Painting texture techniques - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEgnYLpduGs
Room décor crafts - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gf57ej2SQB8
Quick crafts - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU2i3_QoRNA
Disney Family Singalong will air on ABC on Thursday, April 16, 7 pm-8 pm CST - https://insidethemagic.net/2020/04/disney-family-singalong-kc/?utm_content=buffer5b7c1&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer&fbclid=IwAR1-U5zBHCV6f20nBzqC9RWwLlAlXEX_iI2HkbtIRjBFy5-ZuRq8_kz4Y3I
Week 6 Ideas (4/19-4/25):
Spring is in the Air
Learn harmonica - If you don't already have a harmonica, you can order one and have it shipped. They aren't expensive. Then, go to YouTube and find a tutorial. This is a good one:
Do a family play or musical - You need to start this one early in the week and involve the whole family because it will
take many steps before you are "performance" ready. First you need a script. Anything under 10 minutes is probably realistic. It can be based off of an existing story everyone knows, like any fairytale, or you can create it from scratch. You will probably want at least one child and one adult to brainstorm the script. Just make sure everyone has a character in the story, and then assign characters (people can play more than one part). Kids who don't read yet will have to be fed lines from older siblings or parents. You'll be amazed how quickly preschoolers can memorize! Even a two year old can be given short "lines" or a reaction like a scream. Schedule rehearsals throughout the week (maybe 30 minutes a day). You will definitely need to designate a director to be in charge. Let the kids know in advance what the director says; goes. If you really want to get into it, you can find costumes and actually design a set together (or delegate those jobs to the kids). Plan a performance date and set up the tripod to enjoy for years to come!
Mission Impossible: Set up an art or jewelry heist at home - Identify a piece of art or jewelry you have around the house as "the mission". You might need to move it to a new location in the house and then make an obstacle course to get to it. Get creative and create "laser beams" by taping streamers down low at different angles, to opposite walls in the hallways. Arrange pillows as land mines to be stepped over. Add different levels (books or sturdy chairs) to be jumped upon. Put down a masking tape line to "balance" on. Stack something like storage boxes to tunnel through. Near the end of the obstacle course, instruct them to do something more acrobatic like a somersault on the floor, or a roll over the couch. Design a tricky "display" case for the prize....like a cardboard box with uncooked spaghetti taped around the opening. If the agent/spy breaks the spaghetti when reaching in to get the object, you can sound an alarm (vocally or with a bell). Have family members compete with eachother, modifying the mission's level of difficulty according to age. If you want to get really professional, you can type up mission instructions and put them in envelopes for each agent. Your agents can also dress in all black for extra fun. Don't forget to record the memories on your cameras!
Make a fun and easy Spring dessert - https://simpleacresblog.com/spring-chocolate-nest-dessert/
Decoupage art with magazine and newspapers - Decoupage is so easy that even preschoolers can do it. All you need is old magazines, sheet music, photos or newspapers and some Mod Podge. Never done it? Here's an instruction video: https://modpodgerocksblog.com/learn-how-to-mod-podge/
Make a backyard Ninja Warrior course - This is all the rage now that "American Ninja Warrior" became a television hit. You can make your own in the backyard. Obstacles can be simple for younger kids with items like swim noodles to tunnel under, hula hoops strung from trees to step through, netting to army crawl under, plastic cones to zig-zag through, large logs to jump up on vertically, pvc pipe to hurdle over, rope and a water-filled baby pool to swing over, etc....
Or, if you want a more advanced course that's a little more permanent to use all summer long, look at these ideas: https://mybabydoo.com/2018/03/24/16-diy-american-ninja-warrior-backyard-obstacle-course/
Make a rocket ship and then watch Apollo 13 while inside it - Here are some images of great rocket designs for you to create for kids with cardboard:
Make and fly a kite - If the wind is right, who doesn't love to fly a kite? No wind? Try a leaf blower. Here are simple kite instructions:
Family marshmallow fight - Get a couple bags of marshmallows (mini ones if your kids are overly sensitive), and go outside in dry weather. You can play this in dodge ball fashion or have a free-for-all chase. Any marshmallow on the ground is fair game for someone else. Count on kids screaming with joy as they pelt you and eachother with marshmallows. No need to pick up afterwards, when it rains next, they will melt into the ground. Or you can use a sprinkler if no rain is in sight.
Play musical chairs with the whole family - It's an ancient, but fun game. Musical chairs is a game of elimination involving players, chairs, and music, with one fewer chair than players. When the music stops whichever player fails to sit on a chair is eliminated, with a chair then being removed and the process repeated until only one player remains. You can even try this outside in the yard. Remember, someone has to be the DJ...
Make an old-fashioned phone with string and cans - This is both scientific and just old-fashioned fun for younger kids. If you've never done it yourself, here are instructions: https://howtoadult.com/make-tin-can-phone-2067160.html
Design edible insects out of fruits and vegetables - Having a hard time getting your kids to eat their fruits and vegetables? Try making these together: https://www.naturespath.com/en-us/recipes/fruit-vegetable-bug-snacks/
Try your hand at face painting - If you don't have face paint at home you can make your own. The easiest way is combining different eye shadow colors with Vaseline. But if you don't have colored eye shadow, you can instead use equal parts of cornstarch and lotion, and then color it with edible food coloring . . .a little color goes a long way. If you want to try other recipes look here:
Here are some great face designs to copy:
Make a bird feeder - You know all that toilet paper you bought for the pandemic? You can put the cardboard rolls to good use. First you'll want to poke 2 holes on opposite sides of one end, so it can hang from a tree. Then take yarn, twine or kite string and loop it through both holes. With a knife, cover the cardboard in peanut butter or vegetable lard, then roll it in bird seed. Voila! More ideas can be found here:
Create cartoons from photos - You and your child can take pictures from your phone (or theirs, if they have one) and create very fun and easy comic strips with a phone application. There are many different comic apps out there, but the free app I use is called Comica. It is very simple to use, and looks very professional. The free version has plenty of art styles to choose from, and it instantly transforms any photo from your phone into what looks like a drawn, professional picture. After you decide which art style you want, then you can add thought bubbles or word balloons with any text and save it to your phone and/or share it. The gallery setting allows you to use more than one picture on each page, like in a comic book. It teaches kids about different art genres, and they can be creative with the storylines. Have pets? Make them into a comic strip adventure. You can even print out their creations for a comic book!
Week 7 (4/26-5/2)
Watch “Freaky Friday” and then the next morning, plan to swap personalities for a day with different family members - My favorite version of the movie is the 2003 remake with Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsey Lohan. It is rated PG, but the original with Barbara Harris and Jodie Foster is rated G. To determine who switches with who, you could draw names out of a hat.
Make a Bean Pole Teepee – This is a great project to start now so that the beans have time to climb all summer long. Meanwhile, your kids can still use it as a place to play, but after the foliage grows, it will become magical! https://artfulparent.com/how-to-make-a-bean-pole-teepee/
Create a fairy garden - https://www.countryliving.com/gardening/garden-ideas/g3417/fairy-garden-ideas/
Make fairy lanterns - https://kitchenfunwithmy3sons.com/fairy-lantern-mason-jars/
Create costumes with things around the house - https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/holidays/halloween-ideas/g2750/easy-last-minute-halloween-costumes-diy/?slide=22
Play family charades - You can modify the rules for younger children by choosing easier categories for them to act out like “Animals” http://www.playcharades.net/rules/
Make Elephant Toothpaste – This is a child-safe version of a chemical experiment you might have seen on TV…colorful foam erupting out of a container. Also a great STEM project for kids to learn to be fascinated by science:
Pour 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide solution, 1/4 cup dishwashing soap, and a few drops of food coloring into the bottle. Swish the bottle around to mix the ingredients. Set the bottle in a sink or outdoors or some other place where you won't mind getting wet foam everywhere.
In a separate container, mix a packet of active yeast with a little warm water. Give the yeast about five minutes to activate before proceeding to the next step.
Pour the yeast mixture into the bottle. The reaction occurs immediately upon the addition of the yeast.
Take interactive lessons from Disney and Pixar “Imagineers” - Learn how to draw characters for movies and design theme parks, costumes etc. - https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/hass-storytelling/imagineering-in-a-box
Have a nightly family story time – This is a great opportunity to use your imagination and make stories come to life and even practice your acting abilities. If your kids are old enough to read, each day of the week, take turns reading a short, simple fairy tale or fun story. If your kids are not old enough to read yet, have them act it out while you read! You can even make a family reading area with comfy pillows, blankets and cozy lighting. A great source for free, age appropriate stories is: https://www.studentuk.com/category/fairy-tales/
Take a trip down memory lane - Watch old home movies or go through old photo albums or yearbooks. Your kids will be more interested in the past than you ever imagined.
Participate in Mrs. Taylor's online music class (ideal for preschool through early elementary) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dBLQtDxy3UBcS7RYTOLJJPFmq6rB2dSm/view?usp=sharing
Week 8 (May 3-May 9)
Celebrating Mom
Learn a couple of Mother’s Day songs to sing on May 10th - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gBeJZnfBS4qYPsyLDpHuGE8jiqn6JHLX/view
Help Mom make a cool new wardrobe out of retired clothes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArK45WdTfX8
Design corsages for Mother’s Day or stay-at-home Prom - https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=corsage+how+to+video&&view=detail&mid=9B442F851B9BC45055009B442F851B9BC4505500&&FORM=VDRVRV
Create a photo puzzle gift for Mom - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXRvEepDgqw
Make a special Mother’s Day card - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJvInlo7BAE
Decorate the house with beautiful artwork - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY49eNceLBo
Make candles out of old crayons - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waXQdeaYOfM
Make chocolate covered strawberries – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mLoXmmqB2s
Give mom breakfast in bed – For some crazy and unique ways to cook eggs, check this video out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66Ck_5SePZg
Entertain mom with some magic tricks – Here are some easy magic tricks for kids to learn at home with household items: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl_Mr_4JZwk
Week 9 (May 10-May 16)
From Picasso to Pinatas
Learn some Spanish Songs - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dic8NP1XnkuVwdv75HEd1vgO-V1s1pSl/view?fbclid=IwAR2G1FlEygPYqvRPGCbAv1p5yPi3H299Cj6bf-epbZT-Oj1qC0oupu8uhAU
Do some art in the style of Pablo Picasso (born in 1881, Spain) – Pay particular attention to the style used for “Bird on a Tree” and “Dora Maar”: https://www.guggenheim.org/artwork/artist/pablo-picasso
Instead of a meal today, how about a tapas party? Tapas are basically appetizers made to share - https://www.brit.co/tapas-party/
Watch the 2017 children’s movie, “Ferdinand” – Available through Redbox
Make Wind Chimes – 40 ideas: https://www.diyncrafts.com/26281/decor/40-relaxing-wind-chime-ideas-fill-outdoors-beautiful-sounds
Watch highlights from the Flamenco Festival at New York City Center – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cm9IYSDxagc
Spanish Circle Dance for the entire family - The Sardana is a choreographed circle dance that dates back to possibly the 16th century in Emporda, Spain. It is danced to slower paced music and therefore, easier for beginners to learn.
Lesson 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-LyIRJVedU&t=39s
Lesson 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lczqf2eLW30
Lesson 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEC3aDNYKHA
Play charades using Spain-themed nouns – i.e. maracas, tango, bullfighter, mariachi band, flamenco dance, siesta, piñata, sombrero, Don Quixote, sangria, Conquistador, Picasso, Salvador Dali, castanets, guitar, trumpet, bongos, marimba, hot tamales, paella, Spanish flu, Spanish fly, etc…
Learn a Spanish guitar strum technique – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9_NxA0eu3g
Celebrate the Festival of Tomatoes in the back yard - La Tomatina is a type of fiesta. It is the largest tomato fight in the world, and it takes place on the last Wednesday of August, in Buñol near Valencia. The partying and preparation for Tomatina start a week earlier, but the highlight of this fiesta is the tomato fight that takes place between 11AM and 1PM. If you have smaller children, you may want to use cherry tomatoes, rather than full-sized ones. Because big tomatoes can hurt!
Create a Pinata – Star shape: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44JYARhkFe8
Unicorn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeAc7YC2qUQ
Soccer ball: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LiGRb3nB0M
Week 10 (May 17-May 23)
Dare to Dream
Make a dream catcher – There are so many designs for dream catchers, but this is a good step-by-step tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT7uRAWN4No
Read a bedtime story every night this week – Obviously, the best way to hear a bedtime story is having mom or dad read it. But, if mom and dad are out of stories or ideas, check out these online bedtime stories. They even let you pick your child’s age group: https://www.studentuk.com/category/bedtime-stories/
Pitch a tent inside or outside – Pitch a tent, fill it with pillows, make some popcorn and take turns telling made-up stories. Try to sleep there until morning.
Re-enact a dream – Here’s an acting exercise that could get interesting depending on how vivid your dreams are. For example, have you ever tried to run away in a dream, but it feels like slow motion
Make a cool night light - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/350506783498629411/
Design a blueprint/floor plan for your dream house – Regardless of age, most children like to imagine what their own homes will look like when they grow up. To stimulate their imaginations ask GENERAL questions like: What color will your house be? Will the exterior be made of bricks, or stone, or wood, or vinyl siding? Will you live in the country or city? Will you have a big yard or a small yard? Will you have a fence? How many bedrooms will you have? How many bathrooms? Will you have a swimming pool? Will you have lots of windows? Then, show them some examples of floor plans and give them paper, pencil, and a straight edge. You might be surprised at how specific their dream house gets, but don’t expect a masterpiece. Sample floor plans: https://www.edrawsoft.com/template-garden-planner.php https://www.smartdraw.com/floor-plan/
Create dreamy paintings with acrylics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVG1qHLfw5w
Meditate to music – Meditation to music not only relaxes your mind, it also stimulates creativity. Help your child find a comfortable pose and play some music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFcSrYw-ARY
Watch Monsters Inc.
Read Maurice Sendak’s “Where the Wild Things Are”
Make your own “monster”- Try drawing monsters with chalk on the driveway or sidewalk. If they’re too scary, make a game of eliminating them with the water hose.
Free dance to “dream” music- Free dance is a way to express yourself without having the confinements of choreography (a set of instructed movements to be followed). Not only does it allow for an outlet of creative expression, it also helps develop the brain. Sometimes props like scarves make free dance seem more purposeful. Here's a good music track to use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiqlZZddZEo